When researching what to do in Grenada one of the first pictures I saw was of the underwater sculpture park, and I immediately knew that, this is where I had to go. After a bit of googling I found Eco Divers who seemed like a good dive company. I gathered all the divers on-board and booked a one tank afternoon dive to the sculpture park. As parts of the sculpture park are very shallow at 4 meters, some of our friends came along for some snorkelling as well.

Picture perfect beach
We were picked up in the cruise terminal, and they had the dive boat come right up to a smaller pier to collect us. They then brought us to this amazingly pretty beach where the dive shop was, to get geared up. After a little bit of shopping (they had some really trippy t-shirts) and getting the right gear, it was back into the boat and out to the dive site. We had another diver with us and a family for snorkelling.

Awesome dive shop with some nice artwork
It was a quick boat ride out to the dive site where we ended up at the front of the ship soaking up the sun and scenery, and getting splashed by the waves – oh well we were going in the water anyways. At the dive site we got geared up, had a pre-dive briefing and a safety check before getting in the water. The snorkelers then got ready after we were gone.

Getting the gear ready
At first there was not a lot to see at the site, but then we swam around a few rocks and we were at the first sculpture – a man sitting at a typewriter. The next statue up was what looked like a statue of Jesus reaching up towards the surface. As there was a bit more space here we managed to swim around to the other side of the sculpture, and interact with it a bit more. Next up were three balls, the biggest one had the figure of a woman emerging from it. The last individual sculpture we passed was that of a mermaid, quite fitting as we were three girls diving.

Jesus statue
Around another part of the reef we arrived at the first circle of statues holding hands. Since the visibility was not all that good, this was a very eerie sight to begin with. The corals had already started to grow on the statues, and hopefully in a few years there will be plenty of coral and fish. While we were interacting with the statues we saw a group of snorkelers arrive at the surface, turns out it was all of our friends!

Sculpture circle
Continuing on we arrived at what was once a second circle of statues. However, last year, hurricane Matthew did quite some damage to them. This made the site even spookier as most of the statues were piled up on the ocean floor. Even the metal frame they were attached to had been damaged, and thinking about this afterwards you could really see what a hurricane can do. This was the last stop on our dive and we started swimming up to the surface to join everyone else on the boat.

Damaged sculpture circle
Even if the sculptures were really cool, and the concept of an underwater sculpture park is a very interesting one, the lack of sea life was a bit disappointing. The coral had started to bleach, and while we saw some pretty awesome fish species (parrot fish, trumpet fish, scorpion fish and sharp tail eel) there was not an abundance of them. I hope this is just an aftermath of the hurricane and that the sea life will return to this special spot. On the plus side the dive centers really do seem to care about the site and take care of it.

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