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While mostly being famous as a tax haven with beautiful beaches and great shopping, Grand Cayman also has some really nice dive spots. We had organised a shore dive one cruise, but the swells were too big and we had to cancel – the tenders could barely dock because of the swells. The next cruise we had set up another dive, and with much calmer seas we headed ashore ready to explore the underwater world.

Grand Cayman – Rusty

Our new friend Rusty


At the dive center we first got a lesson in how the corals are formed, and how we would be able to see this once under water. The dive master also explained the dive site and what we could expect to see. We then got all our equipment and geared up before heading down towards the water.

Grand Cayman – Resident cat

The resident cat takes a nap while we get our briefing


Grand Cayman – Anemone

A pretty anemone


Once in the water we first had to swim through a shallower sandy part. Here we could see sea fan coral growing and some smaller fish swimming around. The dive master was very good at writing down the different creatures we saw on his slate and showing us. Once we got to deeper waters we were suddenly surrounded by coral and so many different fish. At one point there was so much to see that I didn’t even know where to look!

Grand Cayman – Sea fan coral

Small sea fan corals


Grand Cayman – Fish

Fish and coral everywhere


The dive master stopped us in a clearing to show us a school of massive silver tarpons, I’m sure some of them were even longer than me. Next to the tarpons there was a small cave we swam through. There was light coming though on one side which created the prettiest colors and movements in the water. I thought this was the exit, but the dive master swam us around on the other side, bringing us back to the clearing.

Grand Cayman – Tarpons

A school of massive tarpons


Back on land we all agreed that it had been an amazing dive. It is probably the one dive I have done with the biggest variety of fish, and I even discovered some new species. I can definitely see why so many claim that Grand Cayman has some of the best diving in the Caribbean.