Discovering the history of Lyon
For me, Lyon in the past has mostly been a drive through on the way to somewhere else. While doing some research I realized that it was a city with a lot to offer - and only a relatively short train ride away from Dijon. So I hopped on the train one day to explore....
La Percée du Vin Jaune in Jura
I have spent many weekends at different wine fairs and tastings since moving to Dijon, most of them indoors in conference centers. This is what I expected this when I headed to Jura for the La Percée du Vin Jaune, but I was in for a surprise. My friend and I took...
Ringing in the new year in Norway
As a Norwegian you are expected to love winter and snow, and are believed to be born with skis on your feet - well I never fit into this norm. It was with a big degree of scepticism that I decided to spend the New Year holidays in the Norwegian mountains with some of...
Autumn colors in Burgundy
"We take photographs as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone" - Katie Thurmes I have loved photography for as long as I remember - whether it is taking pictures or looking at them. When travelling it is the way I capture moments and...
Gastronomy tour of Burgundy
As a welcome to Burgundy my university arranged a gastronomy tour for the international students - I signed up of course! Before coming here I knew that Burgundy was famous for its food culture - one of my favourite meals is boeuf bourguignon after all - but I did not...
Caves ouvertes in Auxey-Duresses
After our teacher mentioned the event “caves ouvertes” in Auxey-Duresses, we decided to go have a look. As we pictured a standard wine fair we were definitely in for a surprise – we bought our glasses , which allowed us to walk from cellar to cellar to try wine. Not...
New beginnings, moving to Dijon
After spending the past five and a half years at sea, I decided it was time for a new challenge. This time I moved myself to the French town of Dijon, in the heart of the Burgundy region. Here, I will spend the next academic year getting my masters degree in wine and...
How much of London can you see in one day
After a small hiatus, due to me moving to and settling in a new city, I am finally back to blogging. I typed up this post over the summer, but I never got around to finishing it until now - but you know what they say, better late than never! While I did visit London...